报告题目:On BMO functions and Carleson measures via Caffarelli-Silvestre extension
主 讲 人:李波 讲师(嘉兴大学)
报告地点:腾讯会议786 234 374;密码081524
This talk is concerned with the BMO-Dirichlet problem for the elliptic equation under a general Dirichlet metric measure space setting, where the heat kernel admits only the so-calle ddiagonal upper estimate. More significantly, without the Ricci curvature condition from Brazke-Schikorra-Sire [IMRN,2022no.2,1245-1269], we relax their Ahlfors regularity to a doubling property, and remove the pointwise bound on the gradient of the heat kernel.
个人简历:李波,嘉兴大学数据科学院讲师,研究方向为调和分析。目前主持国家青年基金项目、浙江省探索青年项目、嘉兴市青年科技人才专项,参与国家级项目4项,在SciChinaMath、JDE、JGA、Nagoya Math J、Proc Roy Soc EdinburghSect A、Proc.Edinb.Math.Soc.(2)等国内外期刊发表SCI论文10余篇。