


作者: 时间:2021-05-10 点击数:

报告题目: A Chung-Feller theorem for lattice paths with

respect to cyclically shifting boundaries

人:郭军伟 教授

报告邀请人:孙怡东 教授



腾讯会议ID:198 706 477


Irving and Rattan gave a formula for counting lattice paths dominated by a cyclically shifting piecewise linear boundary of varying slope. Their main result may be considered as a deep extension of well-known enumerative formulas concerning lattice paths from (0, 0) to (kn, n) lying under the line x = ky (e.g. the Dyck paths when k = 1). On the other hand, the classical Chung–Feller theorem tells us that the number of lattice paths from (0, 0) to (n, n) with exactly 2k steps above the line x = y is independent of k, and is therefore the Catalan number 1/(n+1){2n\choose n}. In this talk, we study the number of lattice path boundary pairs (P, a) with k flaws, where P is a lattice path from (0, 0) to (n, m), a is a weak m-part composition of n, and a flaw is a horizontal step of P above the boundary ∂a. We prove bijectively, for a given a, that summing these numbers over all cyclic shifts of the boundary ∂a is equal to {n+m\choose m−1} . That is, we generalize the Irving– Rattan formula to a Chung–Feller type theorem. We also give a refinement of this result by taking the number of double ascents of lattice paths into account.



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